I bought the T-Shirt

Business cards. That was the plan. A modest number of suitably Owlish ones to hand out to prospective contributors and readers of my sister e-zine at poetry events. Or, knowing me, just to leave dangling around on tables in the hope someone might pick one up.

Just as the order was nearly completed, they started bombarding me with extras. What about engraved pens? Key-rings? Mouse mats? Calendars? Sticky labels? Branded G-Strings? I resisted all of it until eventually they had me stitched up like a kipper.

I bought the T-Shirt.

An “Algebra of Owls” T-shirt. With Owls on it. “21st Century Poetry”. And a web address.

Well, I needed some new T-shirts anyway, it’s summer….

Now, of course, I’m awash with more damn fool ideas. Public votes for “Poem of the Month”. A logo-ridden Garden Gnome to the winning poet. That’s almost as good as a Crackerjack pencil. And AoO notebooks as Christmas presents.

Why can’t I do anything by half-measures?

4 thoughts on “I bought the T-Shirt

  1. “Why can’t I do anything by half-measures?”

    Because you’re good at what you do. VERY good! And being good at something breeds more of it, because it feels good to do what we’re good at. And MORE of something good is always better than less!

    Oh… wait…

    Was that a rhetorical question??

    Oops… my bad.


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